Contoh ABSTRAK dalam Bahasa Inggris
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.. Jadi guys, ini ada contoh tulisan Abstract dalam bahasa inggris. Abstrak ini ditulis untuk memenuhi tugas salah satu matkul penulis yaitu English for Science. Yahh penulis share disini, harapannya biar bisa bermanfaat buat kalian yang membutuhkan. Oke langsung aja yaa.. Check it out. . ABSTRACT TIMSS (Thrends International Mathematics Science Study) results in 2011 showed that mastery of science in Indonesian students in eighth grade junior high school was ranked 40th out of 42 countries. The purpose of this study was to develop e-learning based Integrated Science learning media in the form of moodle for junior high school students on the theme of Acid Rain. The research method used is the Research and Development (RAD). The analysis technique uses questionnaire techniques and interviews. The results of this study include data from the learning media validation developed and the results of trials on students. Based on data ...