PROCEDURE TEXT dalam Bahasa Inggris : Definition, Purpose, Structure, Type, and Language Feature

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh..
Jadi guys, ini ada resume tentang Procedure Text dalam bahasa inggris. Resume ini diperoleh buat memenuhi tugas salah satu matkul penulis yaitu English for Science. Yahh penulis share disini, harapannya biar bisa bermanfaat buat kalian yang membutuhkan. Oke langsung aja yaa.. Check it out..
A. The Definition of Procedure Text
Procedure text  is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps. This text uses simple present tense, often imperative sentences. It also uses the temporal conjunction such as first, second, then, next, finally, etc.  
B.      B. The Purpose of Procedure Text
To tells how something was made or done in time order and with accuracy.
C.    C. Structure of Text Procedure
Procedure text has three structures including :
1.      Purpose, contains the purpose of making the procedure text or the final result to be achieved (can be in the form of a title)
2.      Material, contains information about the tools or materials needed, but not all procedure texts contain this section (commonly found in recipes).
3.      Steps, contains the methods taken to achieve the goal. This section usually cannot be changed in order.
D.    D. Types of Procedures
1.      Simple Procedure Text
This text contains only two or three steps. For example procedures for operating magic com.
2.      Complex Procedure Text
Text consisting of levels for each stage. For example procedures for filling in KRS.
3.      Protocol Procedure Text
Text that has simple steps and is easy to understand. For example procedures of shutting down a PC or laptop.
E.     E. Language Feature of Procedure Text
1.      Simple Present Tense
Procedure text uses simple present tense because in this text there are facts sentences regarding the making or use of something.
2.      Imperative Sentence
The imperative sentence begins with the verb. For example heat, mix, add, plug in, etc.
3.      Connectives
This word is a link between one sentence and another. For example, firstly, secondly, finally, stc.
4.      Adverbs
Used to provide time and method information. For example, in 10 minutes, slowly, etc.

Nah kalau kalian pengen lihat contohnya bisa langsung klik link dibawah ini yaa gaes:

Terimakasih. Semoga bermanfaat :)

Alfari Shabrina. (2018). Mengenal Jenis dan Contoh Teks Prosedur. Diperoleh 6 Oktober 2018, dari
Diniari, E.B. (2018). Apa itu Procedure Text?. Diperoleh 6 Oktober 2018, dari apa-itu-aspects-of-procedure

Mohon maaf, kalau masih ada kurang atau salahnya boleh banget dikoreksikesalahannya atau mau usul ditambahin juga nda papa, tinggal komen aja dibawah. Because here, we study together :). Thank you guys.
Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.


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