DESCRIPTIVE TEXT dalam Bahasa Inggris: Definition, Purpose, Characteristics, Generic Structure, and Language Feature
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh..
Jadi guys, ini ada resume tentang Descriptive Text dalam bahasa inggris. Resume ini diperoleh buat memenuhi tugas salah satu matkul penulis yaitu English for Science. Yahh penulis share disini, harapannya biar bisa bermanfaat buat kalian yang membutuhkan. Oke langsung aja yaa.. Check it out.
Jadi guys, ini ada resume tentang Descriptive Text dalam bahasa inggris. Resume ini diperoleh buat memenuhi tugas salah satu matkul penulis yaitu English for Science. Yahh penulis share disini, harapannya biar bisa bermanfaat buat kalian yang membutuhkan. Oke langsung aja yaa.. Check it out.
A. The
Definition of Descriptive Text
text is a paragraph where the main idea is conveyed by clearly describing the
object, place, or event that is the topic of the reader. So that the reader
seems to feel directly what is being expressed in the text.
Purpose of Descriptive Text
purpose of description Text is that people who read this text as if they are
feeling directly what is being explained in the text.
of Descriptive Text
1. Describes
an object, such as objects and places.
2. Involves
the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch).
3. Describe
the physical characteristics of an object.
4. There
are many nouns and properties.
Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
There are some generic structures (actually not
mandatory) for our writing to be true. The arrangement is:
(contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be
contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by
decribing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer
Feature of Descriptive Text
1. Specific
participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one).
For example: Bandengan
beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim, My Cat, etc.
2. The
use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun,
For example: a beautiful
beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc.
3. The
use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present
because it tells the fact of the object described.
4. Action
verb: verbs that show an activity
For example: run, sleep, walk, cut
Mohon maaf, kalau masih ada kurang atau salahnya boleh banget dibenerin kesalahannya atau mau usul ditambahin juga nda papa, tinggal komen aja dibawah. Because here, we study together :). Thank you guys.
Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.
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