Contoh Report Text dalam Bahasa Inggris : IPA Terpadu
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh..
Jadi guys, ini ada contoh artikel Report Text dalam
bahasa inggris yang pembahasannya cenderung ke IPA Terpadu. Artikel ini ditulis untuk memenuhi tugas salah satu matkul
penulis yaitu English for Science. Yahh penulis share disini, harapannya biar
bisa bermanfaat buat kalian yang membutuhkan. Oke langsung aja yaa.. Check it
For example report text :
are reptile animals that have no legs and have a fairly long body. These
animals can live in many places, such as forests, mountains, rice fields,
residential environments, low or high plains, even in the depths of sea water.
Snakes as cold-blooded animals are not easy to live in areas that have very
cold air, for example poles or snow-covered places.
have a scaly body, just like reptiles in general. This animal runs by crawling
on the ground, but there are also types of snakes that spend a lot of time in
the trees or in the water. Snakes have their own tricks to put poison into the
victim's skin. The surface tension of snake venom is quite high, almost the
same as water. This causes the surface energy to attract poison droplets into
the fangs of the fangs, then spread. In the course of evolution, snakes adapt
to their prey using a combination of optimal canine curvature geometry and
toxic viscosity.
types of snakes have very deadly poisons. The poison is used as a tool to keep
itself from attacking the opponent’s predator and also to paralyze its prey.
The chemical composition of snake venom
is very complex around 90% composed of proteins which are mostly enzymes and
contain polypeptides. Until now there are around 20 types of enzymes that are
poisonous. In general, poisonous snakes have 6 to 12 types of enzymes in their
Nah kala untuk pengertian, dll report text bisa klik link dibawah ini yaa:
Report Text dalam Bahasa Inggris: Definition, Purpose, Generic Structure, and Language
Mohon maaf, kalau masih ada kurang atau
salahnya boleh banget dibenerin kesalahannya atau mau usul ditambahin juga nda
papa, tinggal komen aja dibawah. Because here, we study together :). Thank you
warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.
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