COMPLEX CLAUSE dalam Bahasa Inggris : Definition and Example

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh..

Jadi guys, ini ada resume tentang Complex Clause dalam bahasa inggris. Resume ini diperoleh buat memenuhi tugas salah satu matkul penulis yaitu English for Science. Yahh penulis share disini, harapannya biar bisa bermanfaat buat kalian yang membutuhkan. Oke langsung aja yaa.. Check it out..

A.    The Definition of Complex Clause
Complex clause is a sentence type which consists of one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
B.     Example Complex Clause
1.         While waiting for the train to arrive, Farah buys food around the station.
2.         Sasha and John meet accidentally at the school gate, then they go to the library together.
3.         Even though Mother has a lot of problems, she still shows her smile to everyone.
4.         Children are busy studying because they will be tested tomorrow.
5.         Before it's too late and ends in regret, you should apologize from now.
6.         I’m writing and my sister is reading it.
7.         Students are prohibited from eating in class, but they are allowed to drink.
8.         I still walked to home although it was raining.
9.         If you don’t mind, I want to leave something to you.
10.     Everyone panicked when there was an earthquake.

Mohon maaf, kalau masih ada kurang atau salahnya boleh banget dibenerin kesalahannya atau mau usul ditambahin juga nda papa, tinggal komen aja dibawah. Because here, we study together :). Thank you guys.
Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.


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